When you make your estate plans, naturally your primary concern is providing for your loved ones.  At the same time, it is important that your plans reflect your life and values.  As you put together the documents that will establish your legacy, please consider including a gift to the New England Music Camp so that we can continue to provide extraordinary learning opportunities for young musicians for generations to come.  

A gift to NEMC in your will or trust is easy to arrange.  When you prepare your will, please include simple language to describe the gift you would like to make.  Here are some options:

  • General gift for a certain dollar amount, for example, “I give the sum of $25,000.”   If you would like to make this type of gift, please provide the following language to your attorney:  "I give to the New England Music Camp, a Maine nonprofit (Tax ID #), or its successor, the sum of $___________________________, for any purpose the New England Music Camp deems appropriate."
  • Specific asset - for example, shares of stock or real estate.  If you would like to make this type of gift, please provide the following language to your attorney:  "I give to the New England Music Camp, a Maine nonprofit (Tax ID #), or its successor, (the real estate located at  _____________________________ or 1,000 shares of XYZ stock), for any purpose as the New England Music Camp deems appropriate.”
  • Residual - a gift of the remainder of your estate after all other distributions and expenses have been paid.  If you would like to make this type of gift, please provide the following language to your attorney:  "I give to the New England Music Camp, a Maine nonprofit (Tax ID #), or its successor, ___________% of the rest of my estate, for any purpose as the New England Music Camp deems appropriate.”
  • Contingent bequest - this conditions your gift on certain occurrences.  For example, “in the event that my spouse does not survive me, I give....”  Your attorney can advise you on how to phrase your conditional bequest. 

Next Steps:

  • If you already have a will or trust, review the documents to determine if any changes in your family or other circumstances warrant revising the document.
  • If you wish to add the New England Music Camp to your existing will or trust, contact your attorney and request a simple amendment as described above.
  • If you don’t have a will or trust, contact an attorney to have these documents prepared.  

We are here to help!

If you have questions, please contact us by calling Christa Johnson at 207-465-9648 ext. 203 or by email at Christa.johnson@snowpond.org.

Thank you for your consideration!  


Snow Pond Center for the Arts